See you soon in Morelia!
The workshop aims to gather
experts from the various fields of remotesensing observations of the inner heliosphere, including
whitelight, EUV, and radio observation, together with modellers in order to tackle key
outstanding science and spaceweather operational issues, establish closer working relations, and
devise the best ways to move the field forward as a whole. In addition, the science learned from
remotesensing observations is critical to improving our capabilities of spaceweather forecasting.
The workshop aims to look at ways in which we can more easily and efficiently share and access
the various types of data between individual groups and subcommunities and to officially launch
the IPS Common Data Format v1.0 (IPSCDFv1.0) now in use. It also aims to allow investigations
into ways in which we model the inner heliosphere looking at the advantages and disadvantages of
the available modelling, updates on present and future remotesensing capabilities, and
investigating further the ways in which these data sets all complement each other and are necessary
to gain knowledge and understanding of the fundamental physical processes that occur within the
inner heliosphere. These are critical processes that are key to both Heliophysics science as well as
to spaceweather operations and forecasting.
On the behalf of the SOC and LOC
J. Americo Gonzalez
SCiESMEX - Geophysics Institute Michoacan - UNAM